If you want to say "Hello, how are you?" In Spanish, you say "Hola, ¿cómo estás?" Can use? (informal/singular). If you're greeting someone in a more formal setting, you might say "Hola, ¿cómo está?" want to use (formal/singular). If you are talking to more than one person, you say "Hola, ¿cómo están?" (informal/plural).
Another version you'll probably see in the conversation here is "Hola, ¿qué tal estás?" (informal/singular) and "Hola, ¿que tal están?" (informal/plural).
Translation of English from Spanish
Learning Spanish can be confusing at first, but remember that you don't have to tackle all the options right away. Even "hello, how are you?" Getting a handle on an option with a simple phrase like that is going to work pretty well in most situations. As you progress in your learning journey, you can gradually incorporate other words with more subtle meanings.
This method teaches you language, not just words. What makes it so effective is that this article prepares you to use your new language in your everyday life. So it's not just about the features, but what you're able to do because of them. This way, you will be ready to handle the situation with ease and confidence.
Basic English to Spanish Words
Build your confidence up by starting with some basic English to Spanish words to start building your Spanish word bank:
English = Spanish = Sentence
Hello = Hola =
Goodbye =Adiós =
Please = Por favor =
Thank you = Gracias =
Sorry = Lo siento =
Bless you (after someone sneezes) = Salud =
Yes = Sí =
No = No =
Who? = ¿Quién? =
What? = ¿Qué? =
Why? = ¿Por qué? =
Where? = ¿Dónde? =
Bless you = Salud =
I like = Me Gusta =
I don’t like = No me gusta =
Slowly = Despacito =
My people = Mi Gente =
Dancing = Bailando =
Kiss me a lot = Bésame mucho =
Gasoline = Gasolina =
The bicycle = La Bicicleta =
Without pajamas = Sin Pijama =
Beautiful = Bella =
Clandestine or secret = Clandestino =
I don’t remember = No Me Acuerdo =
Basic English to Spanish Phrases
The basic conversational building blocks are a great place to start. Simple English to Spanish phrases like good morning, how are you, etc. grease the wheels of daily conversation in almost every language, including Spanish.
English = Spanish = Sentence
Good morning = Buenos días =
Good afternoon = Buenas tardes =
Good evening = Buenas noches =
Hello, my name is John = Hola, me llamo Juan =
My name is… = Me llamo… =
What’s your name? = ¿Cómo te llamas? =
Nice to meet you = Mucho gusto =
How are you? = ¿Cómo estás? =
I’m well thank you = Estoy bien, gracias =
Excuse me. Where is the bathroom? = Disculpa. ¿Dónde está el baño? =
What time is it? = ¿Qué hora es? =
How do you say ‘concert’ in Spanish? = ¿Cómo se dice ‘concert’ en español? =
I am lost = Estoy perdido/a =
I do not understand = Yo no comprendo =
Would you speak slower, please = Por favor, habla más despacio =
I miss you = Te extraño =
I love you = Te quiero =
My name is = Me llamo =
And you? = ¿Y tú =
Nice to meet you = Mucho gusto =
How are you? = ¿Qué tal =
See you = Nos vemos =
You’re welcome = De nada =
How much is this? = ¿Cuánto cuesta =
Where’s the bathroom? = ¿Dónde está el baño? =
What time is it? = ¿Qué hora es =
Can you help me, please? (formal “you”) = Me puede ayudar, por favor =